Main Speakers

Enjoy a Main Message and Meditation by one of our variety of speakers every Sunday! If you’d like to listen to their messages, click here, or enjoy any of their mediations by clicking here.

Rev. Lena Hutson is an ordained minister and lead spiritual director of MSC. She holds a Bachelor of Psychology from Webster University and a Master of Social Work from Washington University. Lena worked with foster youth for 20 years and was a school social worker for 10 years. Along with founding and running MSC, she works as a reiki master, aromatherapist, counselor, and therapist. Lena enjoys gardening, cooking, time with friends, eating out, trying new things, and, above all, being a mom to her son Elijah.

Rev. Kay Losciuto was ordained by Rev. Phylis Sparks in 2011 at the Soul-Esteem Center and has been a big part of MSC since we opened in 2017. She is a retired chemist and a karate teacher with a 4th degree black belt. She also teaches trauma-informed women’s self defense classes and owns her own business: Pointing North LLC. Kay is a reiki master and a teacher of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR).

Rev. Laurel Clark has been studying and teaching metaphysics for 45 years. She previously served as the president of The School of Metaphysics and of The International Association for the Study of Dreams. Laurel specializes in dream interpretation, intuition, visualization, meditation, and concentration. She is an author, ordained interfaith minister, counselor, certified Dream Professional, and teacher of metaphysics.
Click here to visit Laurel’s website.

Rev. Polly Lemire is a spiritual and cultural adventurer who spent her early childhood in mainland China and has lived in many parts of the United States. She is a preacher’s kid who has been involved with metaphysical spirituality for more than thirty years. Polly is an artist, has a PhD in Life Experience, and is a certified Tiny Habits Coach who specializes in showing people how simple steps can create great joy.

Annette Williams is mother of 2, hair stylist of nearly 30 years, and has owned her business for 3 years. She has been studying metaphysics and mindfulness for 5 years and has been at MSC since 2021. Annette shares her knowledge of metaphysics, mindfulness, and life with us during her talks at MSC.

Marvene Green is a retired nurse of 40 years and a wife, mother, and grandmother. She has been a member of Builders of the Adytum for 4 years and has worshiped the divinity of the feminine for 25 years. Marvene has an interest in all studies of a positive metaphysical nature and often speaks about this during her talks at MSC.