Our Mission

We are here to:

Embrace all people from any background.

Regardless of race, gender, orientation, religion, or belief of origin, we are all individualized expressions of Source, Infinite Mind, Creator, God, etc.

Empower each person to continue on his or her individual spiritual path.

We are all here to learn and grow. Whatever your name for God, we want to keep you moving on your path to developing your connection to that higher power. There is great benefit for humankind and fellow living beings when we realize our divine right and claim our power.

Expand the concept of what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience.

The understanding that we are of Source, not just from Source, is a revolutionary idea to many. It can be overwhelming to learn that we have the same Divine Spark and are co-creators with God as well as our fellow beings in this physical experience; however, we are here to encourage you as you expand and unfold.